I've in my order a simple product with a custom option of type radio for choose
Product price 100
() no installation service
(*) yes install it + 50 €
Now I'm exporting my order to an ERP product and in my order_item
I have the total price (100+ 50) but I need to know if one of the option is selected and the option price.
My problem is How I can get the price of a product's custom option starting from an order_item
object ?
I've tried the info_buyRequest
and I get the option but no option price
Array (
[info_buyRequest] => Array (
[uenc] => a....0lEPVU,
[product] => 29517
[options] => Array (
[66668] => 134343 )
[qty] => 0
[return_url] =>
[related_product] => )
[options] => Array (
[0] => Array (
[label] => Servizi aggiuntivi
[value] => Installazione (Include trasporto al piano) e ritiro usato
[print_value] => Installazione (Include trasporto al piano) e ritiro usato
[option_id] => 66668
[option_type] => radio
[option_value] => 134343
[custom_view] => )
Then after some google I'm able to load the product options using:
$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($item->getProductId());
$options = Mage::getModel('catalog/product_option')->getProductOptionCollection($product);
foreach ($options as $option) {
The above get me all product's custom option and respective value but, how I can match the product's custom options and the one selected in the order_item
the option_id 66668 and the value of 13434 is only present on the table sales_flat_quote_item_option
(with no price) and in the catalog_product_option_xx
there is no option with id 66668...