In back-end Order View Page I can see only "Order was placed using CURRENCY" and I can't find out if customer chose to pay In cash or by Credit card on delivery.
Any idea? Thank you
EDIT: The payment method isn't showed in pdf invoice as well.
The section that you have mentioned is simply to show the order currency code. You can find it under app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/sales/order/view/tab/info.phtml
<div><?php echo Mage::helper('sales')->__('Order was placed using %s', $_order->getOrderCurrencyCode()) ?></div>
Payment information should be shown via a separate block added via <?php echo $this->getPaymentHtml() ?>
This should show the block with name order_payment
and type adminhtml/sales_order_payment
In the end the display is controlled via the helper Mage_Payment_Helper_Data::getInfoBlock
I would suggest that you should look into this function to be able to debug the problem.
$payment_method = $_order->getPayment()->getMethodInstance()->getTitle();
Goto System / Configuration / Payment Methods and check where the translation is set. I could set to empty.
Maybe you have to search bottom-up, so select the storeview first and see where the text is set.
Is it wrongly translated?
Look in