I hope somebody can help with this, i need a way of getting all the attributes from multiple groups and sets. I have accomplished getting the attributes from a single group.
public function getRoomDetails()
$cache = Mage::app()->getCache();
$attributeSetId = Mage::getModel('eav/entity_attribute_set')
->addFieldToFilter('attribute_set_name', 'Room')
$temp = $cache->load ('room-details-'.$attributeSetId);
if($temp === false) {
$eavcollection = Mage::getModel('eav/entity_attribute_group')->getCollection();
$propertydetails = $eavcollection
->addFieldToFilter('attribute_group_name', array('eq' => 'Features'))
$cache->save(serialize ($propertydetails),'room-details',array(),3600);
return $propertydetails;
return unserialize ($temp);
But i need to get attributes from another group and another set.