I've created a custom sort module that I'm attempting to debug. I'm curious if it is possible to display this information somewhere in my catalog pages (e.g. app/code/design/package/theme/template/catalog/product/list.phtml). Here is the observer portion of my custom module where I define the setOrder:


class MyExtension_CustomSort_Model_Observer
    public function onLoadCollection($observer)
        $collection = $observer->getCollection();

        $collection->setOrder('created_at', 'desc');
            ->setOrder('name', 'asc');

        return true;

I've tried echoing and using print_r to display my information but it seems I'm doing wrong. Any advice? The end result would be for me to see created_at and name somewhere near the top of page.

  • 1
    If you want to use the echo to debug if your extension is working or not, you can add a die(here) from your observer and you will see if it is being called. It will be a blank screen with "here" as the only content.
    – mbalparda
    Commented Feb 18, 2015 at 16:40
  • The reason your order statement is not showing is due to the order being added when the collection is actually loaded. See my answer for more details.
    – laketuna
    Commented Feb 18, 2015 at 16:55

3 Answers 3


Better yet, log the collection's query to a separate file. Or you can just do what mbalparda suggested, as well. The order statement gets incorporated only when the collection is loaded.

To examine the full query,

// After what you have posted..
$collection->load(true);   // ordering is set when the collection is loaded; see ref.
Mage::log($collection->getSelect()->__toString());  // prints the query to var/log/system.log

Note: Make sure to remove ->load(true) after you're done debugging.

Reference: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9207240/get-collection-query-string

  • Ah, you were typing a similar answer as well ;) Commented Feb 18, 2015 at 16:53
  • Perfect! Thank you musicliftsme! Much more appropriate than what I was thinking.
    – sparecycle
    Commented Feb 18, 2015 at 19:36

I don't think a die() statement is a good pick. If you want to see how your setOrder behaves in the Magento query that is being generated for you, you can use the $collection->getSelect() method to get a dump of the SQL query. You can then echo the output of getSelect() to your screen or perhaps log it to the Magento system log using Mage::log('My query: '.$collection->getSelect());.

If you're having issues with the name and created_at attributes to appear in your query, you might need to add them to the query using $collection->addAttributeToSelect(array('name', 'created_at')).

Does this work for you?


Even better yet, force log the collection into whatever log page you want. Or you can just do what musicliftsme suggested, as well.

Mage::log($collection->getSelect()->__toString(),null,'thisfile.log',true); // prints the query to var/log/thisfile.log

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