I just took over a site from another programmer and I am trying to figure out what he has done. I have multiple CMS pages to include the home page. The homepage displays correctly, but several of the other CMS pages seem to be missing some code that the home page has. Why this would be, I have no idea, as each page has the same config, design, ect. set when I create the page. What I have found is the home page has two additional tags that the other pages that are not working d not have. How can this be if they should all be pulling from the same template. If you would like to see what I am talking about here are the pages. The problem I am seeing starts after the footer-container tag
Non working page - http://precisiondelta.com/backupold/index.php/contact/?___store=default
Working page - http://precisiondelta.com/backupold/index.php/
Hopefully someone can show me the way, so I can finish this job...
Thank you in advance, Tommy