I have three sites like dom1.com and dom2.com and dom3.com.I want to share there cart and checkout pages like if someone buy products from dom1 and then come to site2 so on cart page his first site products are also visible on cart page.So he can place order on any site.As this possible in magento ? My Products will be different on each site so i can't code custom for that.I have searched and found code for separate carts

  • 3
    You can give this a try. It worked for me some time ago on EE 1.12 but I'm not sure I covered all the possible cases.
    – Marius
    Commented Feb 3, 2015 at 12:42
  • @Marius Great thanks it works.I created module and test it on 1.9 for different sites and stores and it worked. Commented Feb 4, 2015 at 10:52

2 Answers 2


Based on the comments....
Magento already shares the cart between store views under the same website.
The idea is to create an extension that changes the method that checks which store views are allowed to share the cart (Mage_Sales_Model_Quote::getSharedStoreIds) and make it return all the available store views.
Also, the reference to the quote id, is kept in the session with a reference to the current website. This is done in the method Mage_Checkout_Model_Session::_getQuoteIdKey. This also needs to be changed in order to return the same value for all websites.
I described in this article what worked for me on ee 1.12. It might work on other versions also.


yes you can do it with magento.

here is very useful article

Please refere point 3 in detail

you just need to change

the Mage_Checkout_Model_Session class. Copy this file: app/code/core/Mage/Checkout/Model/Session.php to: app/code/local/Mage/Checkout/Model/Session.php.

hope this will work for you.

  • Thanks for your replay.I created multi sites using this link http://inchoo.net/magento/how-to-set-multiple-websites-with-multiple-store-views-in-magento/.I tried your mentioned way but it didn't worked.I have two sites with different stores and store views. Commented Feb 4, 2015 at 7:20

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