I am using Magento v1.9.1.0. and I have a problem with currency symbol position when having locale set to English and currency to Euro. It displays:


I would like to show it like where locale is set to Slovenian and currency to Euro:

24.10 €

If I change 'lib/Zend/Locale/Data/en.xml' currency format, then it won't display like it should for US dollars currency symbol($).

Does anyone know the solution for that kind of problem?

4 Answers 4


You can observe currency_display_options_forming event dispatched in Mage_Core_Model_Locale class



class Foo_Bar_Model_Observer
    public function currencyDisplayOptionsForming(Varien_Event_Observer $observer)
        if (Mage::app()->getLocale()->getLocaleCode() == 'en_US' &&
            Mage::app()->getStore()->getCurrentCurrency()->getCode() == 'EUR'
        ) {
            $options = $observer->getEvent()->getCurrencyOptions();
            $options['position'] = Zend_Currency::RIGHT;

        return $this;

Look in Zend_Currency class for additional options.

  • that did positioned the curr on right side, but without padding, or space between number and sign! I feel that in that case best bet is fiddle with xml files in /lib/Zend/Locale/Data dir,, which is totaly putting it off :( Commented Dec 16, 2016 at 13:31

You can customize it at price.phtml .

$locale = Mage::app()->getLocale()->getLocaleCode();

 $currencySymbol = Mage::app()->getLocale()->currency()->getSymbol();

 if($locale=='sl_SI') { 

echo $_price;echo $currencySymbol; 

  • Sorry, but that is not what I want. I have $locale set to en_US and $currencySymbol with your code gives me $, but my currency set in admin is €. My question was if it is possible to have locale set to 'en_US' and currency to '€' so that it displays like that: 24.10€ and not €24.10. But thank you for your effort.
    – anitr
    Commented Jan 28, 2015 at 13:38

I found out that it is ok for store in English language to display currency symbol before value, because the position of currency symbol € is different in every country and it depends on grammar. So, €24.10 will be fine. Thank you anyway.

  • 1
    Congratulations! Please accept a correct answer anyway as you may not be the only person to ask this question in the History of the Internet. Commented Jan 28, 2015 at 14:56

go to ( lib/Zend/Currency.php ) move to line 196

if ($options['position'] !== self::STANDARD) {
    $value = str_replace('¤', '', $value);
    $space = '';
    if (iconv_strpos($value, ' ') !== false) {
        $value = str_replace(' ', '', $value);
        $space = ' ';

    if ($options['position'] == self::LEFT) {
        $value = '¤' . $space . $value;//here the currency before the value (price)
    } else {
        $value = $value . $space . '¤';


if ($options['position'] !== self::STANDARD) {
    $value = str_replace('¤', '', $value);
    $space = ' ';//make space between the value and the currency
    if (iconv_strpos($value, ' ') !== false) {
        $value = str_replace(' ', '', $value);
        $space = ' ';

    if ($options['position'] == self::LEFT) {
        $value = $value . $space . '¤' ;//print the currency after the value
    } else {
        $value = $value . $space . '¤';

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