I have created one module for banner. Its working well. In backend, I have an option to add banner image and set active or not.Initially, I have created a table with the name "banner" for save banner records.
Now I would like to change the table name like chilly_banner. I have created "chilly_banner" table manually in DB and inserted some records.
In admin banner grid, I want to show the collections from this table. I don't have any idea, how to do it. But i have tried like this in _prepareCollection() method,
$collection = Mage::getModel('banner/chilly_banner')->getCollection();
And in model file _init() method changed banner into chilly_banner as like above.
But I got an error like
Fatal error: Call to a member function getCollection() on a non-object
in ../app/code/local/Chilly/Banner/Block/Adminhtml/Banner/Grid.php on
line 18
Have any idea how to change table name in grid collections and also want change the table name in saveAction() method too?
I'm eagarly awaiting for your response..