All my magento products have 5 different images attached to them like so:
image label base small thumbnail
Image 1 - view A o o o
Image 2 - view B
Image 3 - view C
Image 4 - view D
Image 5 - view E
Based on the journey that the user has taken through the site and what they select i display a particular image on the product page (for example Image 3 with the label 'view C'
In my cart i have the following code to display the product image (gets thumbnail):
<?php echo $this->getProductThumbnail()->constrainOnly(TRUE)->keepAspectRatio(TRUE)->keepFrame(FALSE)->resize(280, null); ?>
In the cart I have the label value of what should show (i.e view C
) so i just need to then show that particular image instead of the default thumbnail image.
Is it possible to show the image based on the label name in the cart?