I see an error in my template when a client tries to register. You can not register and get an error: There has been an error processing your request ....


a:5:{i:0;s:65:"No se ha encontrado el modelo fuente "" para el atributo "school"";i:1;s:3553:"#0 /app/code/core/Mage/Eav/Model/Entity/Attribute/Abstract.php(387): Mage::exception('Mage_Eav', 'No se ha encont...')

2 Answers 2


It seams like you have a custom attribute for the customer called school that has a custom source model.
Either the source model is empty or the model does not exist.
If you don't need that attribute just remove it from the eav_table.
Search for the attribute with the attribute_code = 'school'


That happens when the source of the attribute is misconfigured, or the entity_type of that attribute is not set.

Search in your database, in the table eav_attribute your attribute by attribute_code and take a look if the entity_type is correct (for example, catalog_product, in case of product attributes).

SELECT entity_type_id, backend_model, source_model FROM eav_attribute where attribute_code = 'school';

If that is correct, it might me a misconfiguration of the Source, check the source_model is correct.

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