I am creating an extension with an admin page and I will put it magento connect. I put all texts in __('text...') ?>, but I don't need to translate them.

So do you think I have to add informations for translations in my config.xml file, even if I don't create a [my_module].csv file ?

< /translate>

Thanks you.

2 Answers 2


The extension works even if you don't have and don't declare a translation file.
But in order to make your extension easier to translate, you should put all your texts in a [Namespace]_[Module].csv translation file at least for the English version.
This way, if I want to use your extension on a website (let's say) in Romanian all I have to do is to copy your [Namespace]_[Module].csv file from en_US to ro_RO and translate the texts.
Read more guidelines about How to write a custom extension? (point 26 is related to translations)
I know that collecting texts from your module can be a bit of a "monkey job", time consuming and not very challenging, but you should do it.
I can even give you a monkey to do it. take a look at this plugin. You just need to fill in the files and folders of your module and it will collect the translatable texts in one file. Then just put that file in app/locale/en_US.


No, it's not necessary to add a translate .CSV file if you're not going to add one to your module.

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