I've a reasonably large Magento instance that holds two websites: a retail site and a wholesale site.
For business reasons I need to split these into two separate instances, preserving the full order history and product catalogues of each one as I do so but deleting (or at least hiding) the records that relate to the other store.
I thought that simply cloning the site to a second instance, changing the default store and then using the UI to delete the appropriate store in each would be the simplest way, however with 10,000 skus and 40,000 orders in the history deleting the sites fails - I've messed around with timeouts and even after running for an hour straight, cpu sitting on 100%, it still fails to delete the selected store.
Can anyone suggest a better strategy to do this? I'd thought of building up the two sites from scratch and importing products with Magmi, but that doesn't help with the customers and order histories and still leaves lots of other bits like CMS blocks/pages, tax settings, promotions that I'd need to pull in manually - so that becomes very messy.
Things to note about this scenario:
- Customers are unique to each store
- Most products are shared b/w stores
- Some CMS content is shared
- Config settings, shipping methods, tax etc are all very different per store