I am using Magento Community Ver.
and tried to implement the Store / Dealer locator extension.
Link to Extension in Magento Connect: http://www.magentocommerce.com/magento-connect/store-dealer-locator.html
I registered as a developer on Google and got the Google API for Google Maps and created the Google API Url.
My problem is my stores show on the store locator page but the map does not.
Link to Store Locator page: http://hi-schoolworld.com/datta_storelocator/
I tried embedding a Google Map in a page to test whether my API Url was incorrect but that map is showing up just fine. Link to Embedded Map example: I've exceeded my link limit...Click on Store Locator in the top navigation (hi-schoolworld dot com /map)
I have tried contacting the developer without success so now I turn to the community...Help me StackExchange, you're my only hope!
The Google Maps API server rejected your request. Invalid request. Invalid 'q' parameter
.The Google Maps API server rejected your request. Invalid request. Missing the 'q' parameter.
) also take a look at developers.google.com/maps/documentation/business/articles/…