I currently have a extension that sets a hover on an image when ever it finds a label that is called 'hover'. I wish to change this to hover an image if there is an image with sort order id which is '2'. But I do not know how to do this. The code is below.
$html = "";
$imgcount = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($_product->getId())->getMediaGalleryImages()->count();
if ($imgcount>0):
$_gallery = Mage::getModel('catalog/product') -> load($_product -> getId()) -> getMediaGalleryImages();
foreach ($_gallery as $_image ):
if ($_image->getLabel() == 'hover'):
$html = '<span class="hover-image"><img ' . $this->getImgSources($_product, $imgType, $w, $h, $_image -> getFile()) . ' alt="" /></span>';
return $html;
I was hoping it would be as simple as if ($_image->getSortOrder() == 2):
but that was just flawed thinking. Any ideas?