How can you query for customers that have changed their name or address since yesterday?

Problem is that the updated_at field is updated in all tables, whenever the customer changes their passwords too? Even though nothing has changed in the address ect.

Any ideas? Observer? Ect.

1 Answer 1


To query customers who have specifically changed their name or address in Magento 2 since yesterday, you can approach the problem by below steps:

  • Create an Observer: Use the events customer_save_after and customer_address_save_after. In your observer, check if the relevant fields (name, address) have changed.

  • Create a Custom Table: You might want to create a custom table with columns like entity_id, customer_id, changed_field, and changed_at.

  • Save Changes in custom table: In the observer, if the name or address has changed, save the customer ID and timestamp in your custom table.

  • Query for Changes: Use a SQL query to select customers from your custom table where changed_at is greater than yesterday's date.

then you can filter data from the custom table using below query

SELECT customer_id 
FROM your_custom_table 
WHERE changed_at >= DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 DAY);
  • Thank you. But with that answer you are also telling me, that there is no "builtin" functionality to leave out when the user just update their password. I have to detect real changes myself?
    – AP87
    Commented Aug 22 at 8:55
  • Yes you need to add customisation yourself using above mentioned event Commented Aug 22 at 10:20

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