
type Query {
    getGoogleMedia: [GoogleMedia] @resolver(class: "Test\\LocationData\\Model\\Resolver\\GoogleMediaResolver")
type GoogleMedia {
    image_view_all_link: String
    images: GooglePhotos
    video_view_all_link: String
    videos: GoogleVideos
type GooglePhotos {
    id: Int
    review_id: String
    image: String
type GoogleVideos {
    id: Int
    review_id: String
    video_link: String


$connection = $this->resourceConnection->getConnection();
        $viewAllImagesLink = $this->scopeConfig->getValue('google_location_data/google_photos_api/google_photos_view_all_url', \Magento\Store\Model\ScopeInterface::SCOPE_STORE);
        $viewAllVideosLink = $this->scopeConfig->getValue('google_location_data/google_videos_api/google_videos_view_all_url', \Magento\Store\Model\ScopeInterface::SCOPE_STORE);
        $tableNamePhotos = $connection->getTableName('test_google_photos');
        $tableNameVideos = $connection->getTableName('test_google_video');
        // Fetch photos
        $selectPhotos = $connection->select()
            ->from($tableNamePhotos, ['id', 'review_id', 'image'])
            ->where('show_in_website = ?', 1);
        $photos = $connection->fetchAll($selectPhotos);

        // Fetch videos
        $selectVideos = $connection->select()
            ->from($tableNameVideos, ['id', 'review_id', 'video_link'])
            ->where('show_in_website = ?', 1);
        $videos = $connection->fetchAll($selectVideos);

        // Format the response
        $response = [
            'image_view_all_link' => $viewAllImagesLink,
            'images' => $photos,
            'video_view_all_link' => $viewAllImagesLink,
            'videos' => $videos,
        // print_r($response);exit;
        return $response;

but I am getting null. enter image description here

If I do print_r($response) I am getting the correct values.

  • Can you share the full file for "GoogleMediaResolver" seems something wrong in it Commented Jul 4 at 5:40
  • I figured it out. This issue occur when the return value does not satisfy the structure we defined.
    – NotEqual
    Commented Jul 4 at 11:50

2 Answers 2


Use xdebug to identify the issue. I believe no one can tell the problem unless they have access to details like what is the resolver class and how is the complete request flow. I would advise using logging (if xdebug is not possible) to log the data in the resolver and see what value you get. Log other relevant data to understand the issue better.


Here is the correct Schema structure

type Query {
    getGoogleMedia: [GoogleMedia] @resolver(class: "Test\\LocationData\\Model\\Resolver\\GoogleDataResolver")

type GoogleVideos {
    id: Int
    review_id: String
    video_link: String

type GooglePhotos {
    view_all_link: String
    data: [GooglePhoto]

type GoogleVideos {
    view_all_link: String
    data: [GoogleVideo]
type GooglePhoto {
    id: Int
    review_id: String
    image: String

type GoogleVideo {
    id: Int
    review_id: String
    video_link: String

type getGoogleMedia {
    photos: GooglePhotos
    videos: GoogleVideos

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