I just can't seem to wrap my head around this with my checkout and payment processing not working. I'm running Magento 2.4.7 and my store runs well. I can view, choose and add products to my cart. If I try to go to my checkout, the page processes endlessly and it never loads the customer information form and so on. If I try to click on the Paypal quick link while viewing a product, the popup flashes an goes away. Now if I inspect the page, it shows me several CSP errors, unknown property warnings, and "A resource is blocked by OpaqueResponseBlocking, please check browser console for details." I know the warnings are one thing but what's with the CSP? I am using a stock setup for 2.4.7 and added the basic information with nothing custom. I have no clue why I can't even get to my checkout let alone get to processing a payment. I've read some things about a whitelist but have absolutely no clue where to begin there. Any help would be great as always.

  • Try to debug this way: 1. Disable the CSP module 2. Check system, exception log 3. Check the browser console log After that share here. Otherwise, no one can help you by guessing something.
    – Sohel Rana
    Commented Apr 28 at 10:45
  • The Module_Csp is required by a significant number of other modules and I'm getting errors trying to disable it. In the exception.log currently is a reference to twofactorauthenticqtion which I had disabled during development. I re-enabled it but for some reason it's not setting up and the problems still are occurring. Same errors in my console.
    – jfgraphix
    Commented Apr 29 at 14:27
  • Better if you can share real error which you facing? Commented Apr 30 at 4:36
  • I encountered similar challenges with Magento 2.4.7, where the checkout was throwing so many errors on the frontend. I discovered a blog article scommerce-mage.com/blog/magento2-csp-whitelisting.html that provided comprehensive details and proved instrumental in resolving the checkout issues I faced Commented May 23 at 17:26

3 Answers 3


In Adobe Commerce and Magento Open Source version 2.4.7 and later, CSP is configured in restrict-mode by default for payment pages in the storefront and admin areas, and in report-only mode for all other pages. The corresponding CSP header does not contain the unsafe-inline keyword inside the script-src directive for payment pages. Also, only whitelisted inline scripts are allowed.

You can set the CSP mode in a custom module by editing the module's etc/config.xml file.

You should create a whitelist for external scripts used by checkout but to get the pages working again you can change the checkout csp mode to report only and disable inline script blocking with:


See https://developer.adobe.com/commerce/php/development/security/content-security-policies/

  • Thanks for all the help, the template that I originally used included invalid XML formatting and caused the issues to occur. After resolving those errors in the file, I have finally been able to process the checkout. This problem has been solve, thank you to the community!
    – jfgraphix
    Commented May 5 at 15:15
  • do we need to create config.xml and put above code into that ? Commented May 13 at 5:52

After upgrading to Magento 2.4.7 I've set CSP back to report only mode by SQL:

insert into core_config_data (scope, scope_id, path, value) values
('default', 0, 'csp/mode/storefront_checkout_index_index/report_only', 1)
on duplicate key update value = VALUES(value);

and do not forget to clean config cache:

php bin/magento cache:clean config

If you want to run the checkout page without js errors Just add the following configuration in app/etc/env.php or app/etc/config.php file

'csp' => [
    'mode' => [
       'storefront_checkout_index_index' => [
          'report_only' => '1'
       'admin_sales_order_create_index' => [
         'report_only' => '1'
    'policies' => [
       'storefront_checkout_index_index' => [
         'scripts' => [
             'inline' => '1'
       'admin_sales_order_create_index' => [
         'scripts' => [
             'inline' => '1'

Run the following command after adding this:

bin/magento app:config:import
bin/magento cache:clean

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