A custom column is populated when a date range filter from UI is applied. I noticed weird behavior. When I apply a date filter it works fine until I decide to apply the date range I filtered before. Example:

  1. Apply December 2019 – December 2021 -> works fine;
  2. Apply December 2019 – December 2022 -> works fine;
  3. Apply the first one again and the grid stops reacting to the filter completely (shows the same data, and values don't change) until I enter a different date range or product ID.

Why is it happening and how to fix it?

Code inside public function addFilter(\Magento\Framework\Api\Filter $filter)

elseif ($filter->getField() == 'unique_purchases') {
            $dateValue = $filter->getValue();
            $conditionType = $filter->getConditionType();

            $select = $this->getCollection()->getSelect();

            // Check if the table is already joined
            $isJoined = false;
            foreach ($select->getPart(\Zend_Db_Select::FROM) as $tableName => $tableInfo) {
                if ($tableName === 'sales_order_item') {
                    $isJoined = true;

            // Only join the table if it's not already joined
            if (!$isJoined) {
                    ['sales_order_item' => $this->getCollection()->getTable('sales_order_item')],
                    'main_table.product_id = sales_order_item.product_id',
                        'unique_purchases' => new \Zend_Db_Expr("COUNT(DISTINCT order_id)")

            // Apply date filter
            if ($conditionType == 'gteq') {
                $select->where("sales_order_item.created_at >= ?", $dateValue);
            } elseif ($conditionType == 'lteq') {
                $select->where("sales_order_item.created_at <= ?", $dateValue);

1 Answer 1


This is just a guess from the issue, but doing admin request in grid views are generating data in the table ui_bookmark. I would suggest to double check with this table if something weird is not happening like trying to recreate an object that is already existing in the table.

  • everything is alright there, something wrong with my code
    – Dramorian
    Commented Mar 25 at 17:06
  • last leftJoin in the query looks like this LEFT JOIN sales_order_item ON main_table.product_id = sales_order_item.product_id WHERE (inventory_id >= '4846') AND (inventory_id <= '4846') AND (sales_order_item.created_at >= '2019-01-01 00:00:00') AND (sales_order_item.created_at >= '2019-01-01 00:00:00') AND (sales_order_item.created_at >= '2019-01-01 00:00:00') AND (sales_order_item.created_at <= '2020-12-01 23:59:59') probably the duplication is the problem, but I might be wrong.
    – Dramorian
    Commented Mar 25 at 17:39

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