I am having a feed which is run every night with crons. My instance is magento 2.4.6-p2.

I am using this function to get store id:

public function execute()
        foreach ($this->storeManager->getStores() as $store) {
            // Only generate feeds when feed notification is active
            if ($this->coreConfig->isDailyFeedActive($store->getId())) {
                $this->logger->debug('MyModule: Nightly Feeds being run for Store View ' . $store->getId());

But it return error when cron run:

Argument #1 ($storeId) must be of type int, string given

I can't figure out what I do wrong and I can't get the store id. Instead of getting a number I get a string as error says

Any help please??

2 Answers 2


It seems that the $store->getId() method returns a string value. You should convert this value to an integer using (int)$store->getId() to match the method's requirement.

You can optimize your code with the following implementation:

public function execute()
    $stores = $this->storeManager->getStores();
    foreach ($stores as $store) {
        $storeId = (int)$store->getId();
        // Only generate feeds when feed notification is active
        if ($this->coreConfig->isDailyFeedActive($storeId)) {
            $this->logger->debug('MyModule: Nightly Feeds being run for Store View ' . $storeId);
  • Now it throws error: Warning: Undefined variable $store in this line: foreach ($store as $store) {
    – G. G.
    Commented Nov 1, 2023 at 17:19
  • 1
    @G.G. there is a typo, please replace foreach ($store as $store) { with foreach ($stores as $store) {
    – Tu Van
    Commented Nov 1, 2023 at 23:50
Argument #1 ($storeId) must be of type int, string given

The above error indicates that you are trying to use a variable as an argument for a function or method that expects an integer (int) as the first argument, but you are passing a string instead.You can use type hints to specify the expected data type for function or method arguments. If a function expects an argument of type int, you should pass an integer value, not a string.

The $store->getId() method returns a value as a string, which is not acceptable for your isDailyFeedActive() and allFeeds() methods. To resolve this, you should convert the string value into an integer using the int() PHP function.

$storeId = (int)$store->getId();



You have to use PHP 8 in Magento 2.4.6.

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