In my magento2.4.6 am facing below error -
"Error: Class "Zend_Http_Response" not found in C:\xampp\htdocs\wff\app\code\Amasty\InvisibleCaptcha\Model\Captcha.php:100" -
$responseBody = \Zend_Http_Response::extractBody($googleResponse);
namespace Amasty\InvisibleCaptcha\Model;
use Amasty\Base\Model\GetCustomerIp;
use Amasty\InvisibleCaptcha\Model\Config\Source\CaptchaVersion;
use Magento\Customer\Model\Group;
use Magento\Customer\Model\Session;
use Magento\Framework\HTTP\Adapter\Curl;
use Magento\Framework\Phrase;
use Zend_Http_Response;
class Captcha
* Google URL for checking captcha response
* @var Curl
protected $curl;
* @var Session
private $session;
* @var GetCustomerIp
private $getCustomerIp;
* @var ConfigProvider
private $configProvider;
public function __construct(
Curl $curl,
Session $session,
GetCustomerIp $getCustomerIp,
ConfigProvider $configProvider
) {
$this->curl = $curl;
$this->session = $session;
$this->getCustomerIp = $getCustomerIp;
$this->configProvider = $configProvider;
* Check is need to show captcha
* @return bool
public function isNeedToShowCaptcha(): bool
if ($this->configProvider->isEnabled() && $this->configProvider->isConfigured()) {
if ($this->session->getCustomerGroupId() == Group::NOT_LOGGED_IN_ID
|| !$this->configProvider->isEnabledForGuestsOnly()
) {
if (!in_array($this->getCustomerIp->getCurrentIp(), $this->configProvider->getWhiteIps())) {
return true;
return false;
* Verification of token by Google
* @param string|null $token
* @return array
public function verify(?string $token): array
$verification = [
'success' => false,
'error' => __('No reCaptcha token.')
if ($token) {
$curlParams = [
'secret' => $this->configProvider->getSecretKey(),
'response' => $token
try {
$googleResponse = $this->curl->read();
$responseBody = \Zend_Http_Response::extractBody($googleResponse);
$googleAnswer = \Laminas\Json\Json::decode($responseBody);
if (array_key_exists('success', $googleAnswer)) {
if (isset($googleAnswer['score'])
&& $this->configProvider->getCaptchaVersion() === CaptchaVersion::VERSION_3
&& $googleAnswer['score'] < $this->configProvider->getCaptchaScore()
) {
$verification['error'] = $this->configProvider->getConfigErrorMessage();
$verification['success'] = false;
} elseif ($googleAnswer['success']) {
$verification['success'] = true;
} elseif (array_key_exists('error-codes', $googleAnswer)) {
$verification['error'] = $this->getErrorMessage($googleAnswer['error-codes'][0]);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$verification['error'] = __($e->getMessage());
return $verification;
* @param string $errorCode
* @return Phrase
private function getErrorMessage(string $errorCode): Phrase
$errorCodesGoogle = [
'missing-input-secret' => __('The secret parameter is missing.'),
'invalid-input-secret' => __('The secret parameter is invalid or malformed.'),
'missing-input-response' => __('The response parameter is missing.'),
'invalid-input-response' => __('The response parameter is invalid or malformed.'),
'bad-request' => __('The request is invalid or malformed.'),
'timeout-or-duplicate' =>
__('The response is no longer valid: either is too old or has been used previously.')
if (array_key_exists($errorCode, $errorCodesGoogle)) {
return $errorCodesGoogle[$errorCode];
return __('Something is wrong.');
am not sure, with which laminas class , i can replace this class.
any help can be appreciated. Thanks