In magento 2.4.5, I use some function below to connect with QBO sandbox ZendClient and it's working perfectly:
- setUri()
- setConfig(array())
- setHeaders()
- setRawData()
- request($method) ($method can be GET, POST,...)
In magento 2.4.6, ZendClient is replacement by LaminasClient. I have try function from new class LaminasClient:
- setUri() => setUri()
- setConfig(array()) => setOptions(array())
- setHeaders() => setHeaders()
- setRawData() => setRawBody()
- request($method) => send()
But the response have status code is 401. I have try debug into function send() and get $uri, $header to test in postman and postman return correctly information of sandbox QBO. I don't know why this happen. Can anyone give me some advices? Thanks.