After update magento to 2.4.5 in di:compile I'm get error
Class "MSP\ReCaptcha\Model\LayoutSettings" does not exist
How can i fix it or use another recaptha in magento 2.4.5
You should use the Google reCAPTCHA module that is bundled and installed by default with Magento 2.3.x and later:
And you should take a look at this post to know how to add MSP Recaptcha to Magento to remove it from your site: Magento 2 CMS page ReCAPTCHA showing fine but Validation Failed. How can I fix this issue?
Please check this: Magento 2.4 Add Recaptcha in Custom From
In Magento 2.4.x MSP_ReCaptcha does not exist. You need to reimplement your customize code.
There are 2 ways you can solve this, firstly, you can remove MSP_ReCaptcha from config.xml in app/etc (Not Recommended) OR secondly, you can get it from composer packagist
composer require msp/recaptcha
And then, try to run di:compile