I have version 8.1.3 of PHP and I am getting the following error message on Magento 2.4.4:

    Exception #0 (Exception): Deprecated Functionality: strtotime(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($datetime) 
of type string is deprecated in /data/web/magento2/lib/internal/Magento/Framework/Stdlib/DateTime/Timezone.php on line 259

on the homepage, category pages etc. Have you faced this issue before ? Do you have any suggestions how to fix it ?

Thank you

3 Answers 3


I think you are missing both these things

  • PHP fpm all extensions
  • Composer version

You can also rename the vendor and update the composer.

  • not sure if what you said has any impact on the issue described. Can you add some more details ? Please note that on PHP 7.4 this doesn't occur. Commented Jul 22, 2022 at 18:33
  • I think this link may be helpful for you: github.com/magento/magento2/issues/34531. You can also check my deleting the vendor directory and run the composer update. If it is a fresh installation, you can fix this issue by the above related solutions
    – Rana Zain
    Commented Jul 22, 2022 at 20:41

Sorry i can't understand why this issue getting in core modules but i was facing same issue like PHP Deprecated: explode():. So i have found temporary solution for it.

Below is that us my issue solution.

$comp_uids = explode(',', $result['comp_uids'] ?? '');

And i am not sure about you issue but try below solution once time.

return strtotime($date) ?? '';

Check below links:





I hope this answer helps you

The main problem that causes this error is that somewhere there is a use of strtotime() function, but the param passed is null. I think you need to check the log to know exactly where the problem is, or start debugging from /data/web/magento2/lib/internal/Magento/Framework/Stdlib/DateTime/Timezone.php on line 259.

You can use debug backtrace to log and find it easier

$writer = new \Zend_Log_Writer_Stream(BP . '/var/log/custom.log');
$logger = new \Zend_Log();
$debugBackTrace = debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS);
foreach ($debugBackTrace as $item) {
    $logger->info(@$item['class'] . @$item['type'] . @$item['function']);

Then reload your page and check file custom.log in folder /data/web/magento2/var/log/

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