I'm trying to make some minor tweaks to two files within the PayPal_Braintree module. I've added them to my custom theme, but they do not seem to take. I think my file path is correct ... but maybe not?
The code that I want to modify:
* Setup hosted fields instance
setupHostedFields: function () {
var self = this;
if (this.hostedFieldsInstance) {
this.hostedFieldsInstance.teardown(function () {
this.hostedFieldsInstance = null;
client: this.clientInstance,
fields: this.config.hostedFields,
styles: {
"input": {
"font-family": "Gotham",
"font-size": "15px",
"color": "#888888"
":focus": {
"color": "#151515"
".valid": {
"color": "green"
".invalid": {
"color": "red"
}, function (createErr, hostedFieldsInstance) {
if (createErr) {
self.showError($t("Braintree hosted fields could not be initialized. Please contact the store owner."));
console.error('Braintree hosted fields error', createErr);
this.hostedFieldsInstance = hostedFieldsInstance;
In this file, I'm just updating a couple of the labels.
<div class="field number required">
<label data-bind="attr: {for: getCode() + '_cc_number'}" class="label">
<span><!-- ko i18n: 'Card Number'--><!-- /ko --></span>
<div class="field cvv required" data-bind="attr: {id: getCode() + '_cc_type_cvv_div'}">
<label data-bind="attr: {for: getCode() + '_cc_cid'}" class="label">
<span><!-- ko i18n: 'CVV/Security Code'--><!-- /ko --></span>