What's the best way to enable a WYSIWYG editor for transactional emails? I would of thought this feature came natively with Magento but it doesn't seem that way

I have found the following free extension however I have heard bad things about it so wanted to see if there is something better http://urthemes.com/magento-wysiwyg-editor-for-transactional-emails.html

1 Answer 1


There are several things to keep in mind when using WYSIWYG for transactional e-mails:

  • Sending out HTML e-mails which can be viewed in a nice way in multiple e-mail clients is not always fun & easy: There are some "specialities" from mail client to mail client that need to be taken care of
  • It could mess up your e-mail design and won't benefit some special adaptions as mentioned above
  • You're limited to the WYSIWYG functions in your e-mail template. When I think of adding conditions like {{depend object.function()}} .... {{depend}} this can't be inserted with an WYSIWYG anyway.
  • It will not work with responsive e-mail templates as you would not be able to edit reponsive e-mails with a WYSIWYG editor
  • The WYSIWYG editor will try to interpret layout handles {{var items_html}} as widget instances which can cause problems (thanks to @SanderMangel for pointing that out).

I would not say that's impossible, if you find the ultimate WYSIWYG editor for transactional e-mails that does not cause problems, tell us :-)

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