I have two Magento 2 sites, both which have an identical module.
On site 1, if I update the .phtml template file of the module, I have to go to developer mode and back to production mode to see the update. On site 2, I just have to click Flush Cache Storage and can stay in production mode, and the update appears.
It is my understanding that site 1's behaviour is the expected behaviour, but I really can't find what the actual difference is between the two sites for them to act differently here.
I've tried the following:
- Turning off all modules except the core Magento ones and the one I am editing the .phtml file on
- Applying the same template to both sites
- Making sure the cache settings in etc/env.php match on both sites
My hunch is that site 2 is not using the "var/view_preprocessed" cache for some reason, as if I edit the .phtml file manually there, then site 1 shows the update when I click Flush Cache Storage, but site 2 does not.
However, I now have no idea where else to look to find out why they are behaving differently. Any ideas?