This is working like this because the table is sortable. An easy solution would be to disable the sortable option for the table.
Override somehow this template in your vendor
and at the bottom of the file you can see the js configuration for the options js file, something like this
<script type="text/x-magento-init">
"*": {
"Magento_Catalog/js/options": {
"attributesData": <?= /* @noEscape */ json_encode($values, JSON_HEX_QUOT) ?>,
"isSortable": <?= (int)(!$block->getReadOnly() && !$block->canManageOptionDefaultOnly()) ?>,
"isReadOnly": <?= (int)$block->getReadOnly() ?>
"Magento_Catalog/catalog/product/attribute/unique-validate": {
"element": "required-dropdown-attribute-unique",
"message": "<?= $block->escapeHtml(__("The value of Admin must be unique.")) ?>"
Just replace the value for the isSortable
key with false
and make it look like this
"isSortable": false,
This will make the select tag work but you won't be able to sort the table anymore.
If you want to keep the sorting functionality you can override/extend the
Look for this piece of code
distance: 8,
tolerance: 'pointer',
cancel: 'input, button',
axis: 'y',
update: function () {
$('[data-role=options-container] [data-role=order]').each(function (index, element) {
$(element).val(index + 1);
Here just add the select html tag in the cancel parameter, something like this
cancel: 'input, button, select'