I have create a custom attribute call manufacturer_email from the backend and assign the values for the products.
The main reason for this is i need to fire an email to its manufacturer when an customer place a order through the web site. I found the observe for this and also how to fire the email.
The problem is the custom attribute returns an empty result without the email address. can anyone tell me how to get the value for this attribute???
Backend Code
public function logUpdate(Varien_Event_Observer $observer)
$order = $observer->getOrder();
$email_stacks = array();
foreach ($order->getAllItems() as $item)
// only add simple products to email, not a configurable product for example
if ($item->getData('product_type')!=Mage_Catalog_Model_Product_Type::TYPE_SIMPLE)
$manufacturer = $item->getData('manufacturer_email');
$sku = $item->getData('sku');
Mage::log(" {$manufacturer} and {$sku} updated", null, 'manufacturer-email.log');
2014-09-08T12:35:32+00:00 DEBUG (7): and SKU5001 updated
Attribute and inputs