I am trying to upgrade magento from 2.2 to 2.4.3. I am stuck in setup:upgrade step. This is running from past 12 hours and is showing Module 'Magento_PurchaseOrder', :-

19:18:14 Module 'Magento_Vault':
19:18:14 Module 'Magento_Paypal':
19:18:14 Module 'Magento_PaypalGraphQl':
19:18:14 Module 'Magento_PaypalNegotiableQuote':
19:18:14 Module 'Magento_PurchaseOrder':

I am not sure whether it is stuck or takes this much time. I don't see anything in the logs. If I scroll up in console I can see the step inside setup:upgrade is "Data install/update:".

Can someone suggest is stuck or still running? How can I check if it's running or stuck? Any tables or logs to verifY?

  • Did you find a way to fix the issue?
    – aravind
    Commented Jan 19, 2022 at 6:25

3 Answers 3


In case the upgrade fails it will display the specific error. In your case, the program is still running. Please wait for the upgrade to complete. In case if it shows a non-specific error you can go to var/log -> here you can see the files containing the error codes please check each file to know what is happening with the process you are doing.


Can you please check the var/vendor folder existing or not ?

If not then download Magento 2.4.3 and upload vendor folder in var/ directory.

then run again setup:upgrade command it's working.


It took time but this was completed.

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