I am trying to upgrade magento from 2.2 to 2.4.3. I am stuck in setup:upgrade step. This is running from past 12 hours and is showing Module 'Magento_PurchaseOrder', :-
19:18:14 Module 'Magento_Vault':
19:18:14 Module 'Magento_Paypal':
19:18:14 Module 'Magento_PaypalGraphQl':
19:18:14 Module 'Magento_PaypalNegotiableQuote':
19:18:14 Module 'Magento_PurchaseOrder':
I am not sure whether it is stuck or takes this much time. I don't see anything in the logs. If I scroll up in console I can see the step inside setup:upgrade is "Data install/update:".
Can someone suggest is stuck or still running? How can I check if it's running or stuck? Any tables or logs to verifY?