I have a module already built for ExtraFee, I just want to add the checkbox below for terms & conditions so I found a template and added a checkbox like this:
<div class="field amexfee-item-element" visible="visible" css="$data.additionalClasses">
<label class="label amexfee-title" text="label"></label>
<div class="control">
<p if="description" text="description"></p>
<render args="elementTmpl"/>
<!-- ko if: element.error() -->
<div class="field-error" data-bind="attr: { id: element.errorId }, text: element.error" generated="true"></div>
<!-- /ko -->
<!-- Custom Checkbox -->
<input data-validate='{"required":true}' type="checkbox" id="customCheckbox" name="customCheckbox" value="" data-bind='checked: CheckVals'/>
<label for="customCheckbox">I accept Terms & Condition for Insurance product.</label><br>
<!-- /Custom Checkbox -->
I also get its value in a js file like this:
], function ($, AbstractField, priceUtils, quote, selectFeeAction, validator, taxUtils, ko, Component, url, modal, totals) {
'use strict';
return AbstractField.extend({
defaults: {
template: 'Amasty_Extrafee/fee/item',
templatesChildComponents: {
radio: 'Amasty_Extrafee/fee/item/radio',
checkbox: 'Amasty_Extrafee/fee/item/checkbox',
dropdown: 'Amasty_Extrafee/fee/item/dropdown'
listens: {
value: 'setFee'
frontendType: 'dropdown',
feeId: null,
options: [],
value: []
translation: {
error: $.mage.__('Please select at least one option for %1.')
taxUtils: taxUtils,
* @returns {Item} Chainable.
initObservable: function () {
CheckVals: ko.observable(true) //default checked(true)
var checkVal=0;
self = this;
this.CheckVals.subscribe(function (newValue) {
if(newValue) {
checkVal = 1;
var popup = $('<div class="terms-and-condition"/>').html(
'<p for="ins-terms">Terms & Condition</p>'
type: 'popup',
responsive: true,
innerScroll: true,
modalClass: 'ins-terms-popup',
height: 'auto',
width: 'auto',
title: $.mage.__("Terms & Conditions"),
buttons: [
text: 'Proceed',
click: function() {
} else {
checkVal = 0;
return this;
* @returns {Object} Validate information.
validate: function () {
var value = this.value(),
result = validator(this.validation, value, this.validationParams),
message = '',
isValid = this.disabled() || !this.visible() || result.passed;
if (this.required() && !value) {
isValid = false;
if (!isValid) {
message = this.translation.error.replace('%1', this.label);
this.bubble('error', message);
if (this.source && !isValid) {
this.source.set('params.invalid', true);
return {
valid: isValid,
target: this
* @param {String|Array} optionId
* @returns {void}
setFee: function (optionId) {
var optionsIds = Array.isArray(optionId) ? optionId : [ optionId ];
selectFeeAction.selectFee(this.feeId, optionsIds);
* @returns {Item} Chainable.
initConfig: function () {
if (Object.keys(this.templatesChildComponents).indexOf(this.frontendType) !== -1) {
this.elementTmpl = this.templatesChildComponents[this.frontendType];
return this;
I just wanted to add validation for my checkbox, I'm not very good at KO
so if anyone knows please help me out.