I want to add the form data in log files when the customer submits the login/registration form on my Magento 1 store. How can I do it using login.phmtl and register.phtml template files?

I am using Magento ver.

I tried using the below method but not working.

    Mage::log(print_r($formData, 1), null, 'logfile.log',true);

How do I fetch the data of form i.e. Customer's name, email & password in the $formData variable?

I just want to know that is the form is submitted successfully or not.

As the login and signup are not working on my Magento 1.9 store.

1 Answer 1


Easier is to override the customer controller, you also just check for an ID instead of a log. check if the user gets an entity_id after save, which you can also find in this controller. Templates don't work well for this.

Here is an explanation on how to override the controller: How to override default Magento ( controller /customer/account/create with controller in my module?

Don't forget to disable this when you're done with debugging, this data is sensitive.

  • Thanks @FROSIT You saved my time... Thank you very much! Commented Nov 30, 2021 at 6:41

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