I am trying to use the magento-cloud cli and getting the following error when i try to use the
magento-cloud db:size
vagrant@ubuntu-bionic:~$ magento-cloud db:size
Enter a number to choose a project:
[0] Project SMC(dbname)
> 0
Enter a number to choose an environment:
Default: master
[0] Integration (integration)
[1] Master (master)
[3] Production (production)
> 3
Enter a number to choose a relationship:
[0] database (dbname)
[1] database-ro (dbname_ro)
[2] database-slave (dbslavename)
> 0
Checking database service mysql...
The command failed with the exit code: 1
Full command: ssh '-o' 'SendEnv TERM' '-o' 'CertificateFile /home/vagrant/.magento-cloud/.session/sess-cli-default/ssh/id_ed25519-cert.pub' '-o' 'Identit
yFile /home/vagrant/.magento-cloud/.session/sess-cli-default/ssh/id_ed25519' '[email protected]' 'mysql --user=
'\''username'\'' --password='\''pass'\'' --host='\'''\'' --port=3306 --no-auto-rehash --raw --skip-column-names'
Any ideas why it is happening? Is there a possibility that it is due to a read-only user?