My product images are served from where xxxxxx is the product sku. I have created a module to change the Image URL on several templates, following the very useful instructions here: How to Change Product Images with external Image url in all magento 2 frontend and Backend Image display?. However it doesn't work for me on 2.4.2 for the minicart, checkout table and Recently viewed widget.
For the Recently Viewed I seem to need to edit: theme/Magento_Catalog/web/template/product/list/columns/image_with_borders.html and theme/Magento_Catalog/web/js/product/list/columns/image.js
In image_with_borders.html I changed the js function that is calling the image :
<img class="product-image-photo"
data-bind="attr: {src: getImageUrl($row()),
alt: getLabel($row()), title: getLabel($row())}" />
<img class="product-image-photo"
data-bind="attr: {src: getNewImageUrl('160253'),
alt: getLabel($row()), title: getLabel($row())}" />
And added a function in the image.js file:
getImageUrl: function (row) {
return this.getImage(row.images).url;
getNewImageUrl: function (sku) {
return "" + sku + ".jpg";
This works with a hardcoded sku but I need to be able to get the actual sku in the initial image_with_borders.html page, to send it through to the js file. How can I do that? All that's in that image_with_borders.html page to start with is:
<if args="isAllowed()">
<a if="imageExists($row())"
attr="href: $row().url">
<span class="product-image-container"
data-bind="style: {width: getWidth($row()) + 'px'}">
<span class="product-image-wrapper"
data-bind="style: {'padding-bottom': getHeight($row())/getWidth($row()) * 100 + '%'}">
<img class="product-image-photo"
data-bind="attr: {src: getOBImageUrl('160253'),
alt: getLabel($row()), title: getLabel($row())}" />
How can I access sku from here? I tried $row.sku but that didn't work. Thanks!