I am trying to create a drag and drop dynamic rows field in admin php forms.

I created that form using "Magento\Framework\Data\FormFactory"

I can able to create a normal field like below code

                'name' => 'custom_field',
                'label' => __('Custom Field'),
                'required' => true,
                'values' => $this->pageLayoutBuilder->getPageLayoutsConfig()->toOptionArray(),

But I am unable to create a drag and drop dynamic row field. I have checked the field type classes in "Magento\Framework\Data\Form\Element\" path.

In the above path the all element type classes placed, but here I can found something like dynamic row or drag and drop field.

I have tried the below linked answer and it is working as dynamic rows, but drag and drop option is not working. How can I achieve drag and drop with dynamic rows field in php form ?

Dynamic rows field in admin php form

Note: I am not using ui components. I need dynamic row drag and drop field without using ui component.


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