I searched around and found several references to this core modification (Magento Tax Calculation on Zip + 4) to prevent Magento from not calculating US sales tax when ZIP code is supplied with ZIP+4 data, but it seems to be out of date.
It seems that the entire calculation method has changed in the time since the linked solution was created and shared, and I don't know where to implement this kind of fix anymore. I'm also not too "comfortable" with editing core files, etc.
Can anyone help me fix this problem with CE 1.8 ?
class Mage_Tax_Model_Resource_Calculation extends Mage_Core_Model_Resource_Db_Abstract
* Rates cache
* @var unknown
protected $_ratesCache = array();
* Primery key auto increment flag
* @var bool
protected $_isPkAutoIncrement = false;
* Resource initialization
protected function _construct()
* Delete calculation settings by rule id
* @param int $ruleId
* @return Mage_Tax_Model_Resource_Calculation
public function deleteByRuleId($ruleId)
$conn = $this->_getWriteAdapter();
$where = $conn->quoteInto('tax_calculation_rule_id = ?', (int)$ruleId);
$conn->delete($this->getMainTable(), $where);
return $this;
* Retreive distinct calculation
* @param string $field
* @param int $ruleId
* @return array
public function getDistinct($field, $ruleId)
$select = $this->_getReadAdapter()->select();
$select->from($this->getMainTable(), $field)
->where('tax_calculation_rule_id = ?', (int)$ruleId);
return $this->_getReadAdapter()->fetchCol($select);
* Get tax rate information: calculation process data and tax rate
* @param Varien_Object $request
* @return array
public function getRateInfo($request)
$rates = $this->_getRates($request);
return array(
'process' => $this->getCalculationProcess($request, $rates),
'value' => $this->_calculateRate($rates)
* Get tax rate for specific tax rate request
* @param Varien_Object $request
* @return int
public function getRate($request)
return $this->_calculateRate($this->_getRates($request));
* Retrieve Calculation Process
* @param Varien_Object $request
* @param array $rates
* @return array
public function getCalculationProcess($request, $rates = null)
if (is_null($rates)) {
$rates = $this->_getRates($request);
$result = array();
$row = array();
$ids = array();
$currentRate = 0;
$totalPercent = 0;
$countedRates = count($rates);
for ($i = 0; $i $rate['code'],
'title' => $rate['title'],
'percent' => $value,
'position' => $rate['position'],
'priority' => $rate['priority'],
if (isset($rate['tax_calculation_rule_id'])) {
$oneRate['rule_id'] = $rate['tax_calculation_rule_id'];
if (isset($rate['hidden'])) {
$row['hidden'] = $rate['hidden'];
if (isset($rate['amount'])) {
$row['amount'] = $rate['amount'];
if (isset($rate['base_amount'])) {
$row['base_amount'] = $rate['base_amount'];
if (isset($rate['base_real_amount'])) {
$row['base_real_amount'] = $rate['base_real_amount'];
$row['rates'][] = $oneRate;
if (isset($rates[$i + 1]['tax_calculation_rule_id'])) {
$rule = $rate['tax_calculation_rule_id'];
$priority = $rate['priority'];
$ids[] = $rate['code'];
if (isset($rates[$i + 1]['tax_calculation_rule_id'])) {
while (isset($rates[$i + 1]) && $rates[$i + 1]['tax_calculation_rule_id'] == $rule) {
$currentRate += $value;
if (!isset($rates[$i + 1]) || $rates[$i + 1]['priority'] != $priority
|| (isset($rates[$i + 1]['process']) && $rates[$i + 1]['process'] != $rate['process'])
) {
if (!empty($rates[$i]['calculate_subtotal'])) {
$row['percent'] = $currentRate;
$totalPercent += $currentRate;
} else {
$row['percent'] = $this->_collectPercent($totalPercent, $currentRate);
$totalPercent += $row['percent'];
$row['id'] = implode($ids);
$result[] = $row;
$row = array();
$ids = array();
$currentRate = 0;
return $result;
* Return combined percent value
* @param float|int $percent
* @param float|int $rate
* @return int
protected function _collectPercent($percent, $rate)
return (100 + $percent) * ($rate / 100);
* Create search templates for postcode
* @param string $postcode
* @return array $strArr
protected function _createSearchPostCodeTemplates($postcode)
$len = Mage::helper('tax')->getPostCodeSubStringLength();
$strlen = strlen($postcode);
if ($strlen > $len) {
$postcode = substr($postcode, 0, $len);
$strlen = $len;
$strArr = array($postcode, $postcode . '*');
if ($strlen > 1) {
for ($i = 1; $i getStore($request->getStore())->getId();
$customerClassId = $request->getCustomerClassId();
$countryId = $request->getCountryId();
$regionId = $request->getRegionId();
$postcode = $request->getPostcode();
// Process productClassId as it can be array or usual value. Form best key for cache.
$productClassId = $request->getProductClassId();
$ids = is_array($productClassId) ? $productClassId : array($productClassId);
foreach ($ids as $key => $val) {
$ids[$key] = (int) $val; // Make it integer for equal cache keys even in case of null/false/0 values
$ids = array_unique($ids);
$productClassKey = implode(',', $ids);
// Form cache key and either get data from cache or from DB
$cacheKey = implode('|', array($storeId, $customerClassId, $productClassKey, $countryId, $regionId, $postcode));
if (!isset($this->_ratesCache[$cacheKey])) {
// Make SELECT and get data
$select = $this->_getReadAdapter()->select();
->from(array('main_table' => $this->getMainTable()),
->where('customer_tax_class_id = ?', (int)$customerClassId);
if ($productClassId) {
$select->where('product_tax_class_id IN (?)', $productClassId);
$ifnullTitleValue = $this->_getReadAdapter()->getCheckSql(
'title_table.value IS NULL',
$ruleTableAliasName = $this->_getReadAdapter()->quoteIdentifier('rule.tax_calculation_rule_id');
array('rule' => $this->getTable('tax/tax_calculation_rule')),
$ruleTableAliasName . ' = main_table.tax_calculation_rule_id',
array('rule.priority', 'rule.position', 'rule.calculate_subtotal'))
array('rate' => $this->getTable('tax/tax_calculation_rate')),
'rate.tax_calculation_rate_id = main_table.tax_calculation_rate_id',
'value' => 'rate.rate',
array('title_table' => $this->getTable('tax/tax_calculation_rate_title')),
"rate.tax_calculation_rate_id = title_table.tax_calculation_rate_id "
. "AND title_table.store_id = '{$storeId}'",
array('title' => $ifnullTitleValue))
->where('rate.tax_country_id = ?', $countryId)
->where("rate.tax_region_id IN(?)", array(0, (int)$regionId));
$postcodeIsNumeric = is_numeric($postcode);
$postcodeIsRange = is_string($postcode) && preg_match('/^(.+)-(.+)$/', $postcode, $matches);
if ($postcodeIsRange) {
$zipFrom = $matches[1];
$zipTo = $matches[2];
if ($postcodeIsNumeric || $postcodeIsRange) {
$selectClone = clone $select;
$selectClone->where('rate.zip_is_range IS NOT NULL');
$select->where('rate.zip_is_range IS NULL');
if ($postcode != '*' || $postcodeIsRange) {
->where("rate.tax_postcode IS NULL OR rate.tax_postcode IN('*', '', ?)",
$postcodeIsRange ? $postcode : $this->_createSearchPostCodeTemplates($postcode));
if ($postcodeIsNumeric) {
->where('? BETWEEN rate.zip_from AND rate.zip_to', $postcode);
} else if ($postcodeIsRange) {
$selectClone->where('rate.zip_from >= ?', $zipFrom)
->where('rate.zip_to _getReadAdapter()->select()->union(
'(' . $select . ')',
'(' . $selectClone . ')'
$select->order('priority ' . Varien_Db_Select::SQL_ASC)
->order('tax_calculation_rule_id ' . Varien_Db_Select::SQL_ASC)
->order('tax_country_id ' . Varien_Db_Select::SQL_DESC)
->order('tax_region_id ' . Varien_Db_Select::SQL_DESC)
->order('tax_postcode ' . Varien_Db_Select::SQL_DESC)
->order('value ' . Varien_Db_Select::SQL_DESC);
$this->_ratesCache[$cacheKey] = $this->_getReadAdapter()->fetchAll($select);
return $this->_ratesCache[$cacheKey];
* Calculate rate
* @param array $rates
* @return int
protected function _calculateRate($rates)
$result = 0;
$currentRate = 0;
$countedRates = count($rates);
for ($i = 0; $i _collectPercent($result, $currentRate);
$currentRate = 0;
return $result;
* Retrieve rate ids
* @param Varien_Object $request
* @return array
public function getRateIds($request)
$result = array();
$rates = $this->_getRates($request);
$countedRates = count($rates);
for ($i = 0; $i _getReadAdapter();
$customerTaxClassId = (int)$customerTaxClass;
$calcJoinConditions = array(
'calc_table.tax_calculation_rate_id = main_table.tax_calculation_rate_id',
$adapter->quoteInto('calc_table.customer_tax_class_id = ?', $customerTaxClassId),
if ($productTaxClass !== null) {
$productTaxClassId = (int)$productTaxClass;
$calcJoinConditions[] = $adapter->quoteInto('calc_table.product_tax_class_id = ?', $productTaxClassId);
$selectCSP = $adapter->select();
array('main_table' => $this->getTable('tax/tax_calculation_rate')),
array('country' => 'tax_country_id', 'region_id' => 'tax_region_id', 'postcode' => 'tax_postcode'))
array('calc_table' => $this->getTable('tax/tax_calculation')),
implode(' AND ', $calcJoinConditions),
array('product_class' => 'calc_table.product_tax_class_id'))
array('state_table' => $this->getTable('directory/country_region')),
'state_table.region_id = main_table.tax_region_id',
array('region_code' => 'state_table.code'))
$CSP = $adapter->fetchAll($selectCSP);
$result = array();
foreach ($CSP as $one) {
$request = new Varien_Object();
$rate = $this->getRate($request);
if ($rate) {
$row = array(
'value' => $rate/100,
'country' => $one['country'],
'state' => $one['region_code'],
'postcode' => $one['postcode'],
'product_class' => $one['product_class'],
$result[] = $row;
return $result;