Full error text: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'childsku' in 'where clause', query was: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM owd_catalog_product_super_link AS main_table

LEFT JOIN owd_catalog_product_entity AS child_table ON main_table.product_id = child_table.entity_id

LEFT JOIN owd_catalog_product_entity AS parent_table ON main_table.parent_id = parent_table.entity_id

WHERE (childsku LIKE '%bl%')

Built report first by creating model for catalog_product_super_link

function _prepareCollection() contains...

$collection = $this->_superlinkFactory->create()->getCollection();

$collection->getSelect()->joinLeft(array('child_table' => $collection->getTable('catalog_product_entity')), 'main_table.product_id = child_table.entity_id', array('sku as childsku') );

$collection->getSelect()->joinLeft(array('parent_table' => $collection->getTable('catalog_product_entity')), 'main_table.parent_id = parent_table.entity_id', array('sku as parentsku') );

function _prepareColumns() contains...

$this->addColumn( 'childsku', [ 'header' => __('Child SKU'), 'index' => 'childsku', ] );

When filtering on Child SKU column, error occurs.

1 Answer 1


Figured it out. Realized it was going back to find childsku which is not in actually in the table, and that it needs to read sku from child_table.

Added method to set the correct filter index to the column AFTER the addColumn method, as follows...

        'header' => __('Child SKU'),
        'index' => 'childsku',

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