I want to change quantity number on specific product after payment receive. And after that I reveave 400 error.

Is it possible to change the stock quantity? Or Am I doing something wrong? I try to do API CALL with url and body


    "product": {
        "sku": "<skuNumber>",
        "extension_attributes": {
            "stock_item": {
                "qty": 4

1 Answer 1


Try this endpoint POST /rest/default/V1/inventory/source-items with a payload like this:

  "sourceItems": [
      "sku": "WSH12-29-Red",
      "source_code": "default",
      "quantity": 111,
      "status": 1
      "sku": "MH01-XS-Black",
      "source_code": "default",
      "quantity": 222,
      "status": 1

Note that in my case, the source_code is my default source from Magento MSI. You will have to replace it with the name of your source if you have custom sources.

Reference: https://magento.redoc.ly/2.4.2-admin/tag/inventorysource-items/#operation/inventoryApiSourceItemsSaveV1ExecutePost

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