I'm trying to place an order via Magento 2 API as a guest, following the guidance shown here:


The end point I'm using is:


with quote_id being the ID of the quote created initially

Steps 1-6 complete successfully with relevant response being returned as expected.

But sending the following payload (literally a copy and paste from the docs) to the above endpoint:

  "paymentMethod": {
    "method": "banktransfer"
  "billing_address": {
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "region": "New York",
    "region_id": 43,
    "region_code": "NY",
    "country_id": "US",
    "street": [
      "123 Oak Ave"
    "postcode": "10577",
    "city": "Purchase",
    "telephone": "512-555-1111",
    "firstname": "Jane",
    "lastname": "Doe"

Results in this error message:

{"message":""%fieldName" is required. Enter and try again.","parameters":{"fieldName":"email"}}

The email address IS obviously being supplied, and am really at a loss as to what's going wrong.

For info, the API this is being sent to is a vanilla install of Magento set up with a test product for testing purposes

Does anyone have any ideas, or at least some suggestions as to how I can debug given the not very usefulness of the error message given?

1 Answer 1


By checking the Redoc reference of this endpoint, you will see that the email field is required also outside the billing address array - https://magento.redoc.ly/2.4.2-guest/#operation/checkoutGuestPaymentInformationManagementV1SavePaymentInformationAndPlaceOrderPost.

Basically your payload should look something like this:

  "paymentMethod": {
    "method": "banktransfer"
  "billingAddress": {
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "region": "New York",
    "region_id": 43,
    "region_code": "NY",
    "country_id": "US",
    "street": [
      "123 Oak Ave"
    "postcode": "10577",
    "city": "Purchase",
    "telephone": "512-555-1111",
    "firstname": "Jane",
    "lastname": "Doe"
  "email": "[email protected]"

It looks like the documentation is incomplete, since it doesn't mention the required 'email' field and also please note that there is a typo in the documentation: 'billing_address' key should be 'billingAddress'.

  • 1
    Thank you thank you thank you... That's sorted it out
    – freestate
    Commented Mar 29, 2021 at 10:45
  • You are most welcome!
    – Diana
    Commented Mar 29, 2021 at 11:12
  • @DianaBotean could I use your answer to submit a PR for devdocs?
    – Jimmy
    Commented Mar 30, 2021 at 7:02
  • 1
    sure, feel free to do so :)
    – Diana
    Commented Mar 30, 2021 at 7:18

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