I am having gmail proxy server issue for showing images in email templates.

At the start of image URL which is http://localhost/pub/media/email/images/logo.png

this is getting appended https://ci6.googleusercontent.com/proxy/tuG-pi...

Like: https://ci6.googleusercontent.com/proxy/tuG-pitMvoq3PwS0FSL5T-pV7Wh_9PffwfBhgEW_NuEAfWNG5rld6qaGEGRa0-pg50C9akGBwpPr3gx7U3IpT-jh_rnZUtn2MjK-7MuTJqXvFM0UHJWVe-Vz-86HvTVgkDcERAjIYt1ZWxOv7BYUawrPc42zYxEJkVNF=s0-d-e1-ft#http://localhost/pub/static/version1614839350/frontend/CustomTheme/default/en_US/images/email/logo.png

I found this remedy https://stackoverflow.com/a/51643787/10193644 but not sure how can I send HTTP header code 200 for sales emails (for example "new_order" email templete)

I have overridded the default order email temple from theme as:


Looking for your valuable ideas as solution, Thanks


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