I'm trying to add custom field in my products, "bra_size".
I'm able to add it in magento, make associated_item with it, but impossible to get the value of this product in the associated_products array of the products.
When I make a "http://magento.xxx.com/api/catalog/get_product.php?productId=xx" on the configurable product, I get this :
configitems: {
Bra Size: {
79: "95 D",
80: "95 C",
83: "90 D",
84: "90 C",
88: "85 D",
89: "85 C"
But in the associated_products array, "brasize" don't appear :
product_id: "1259",
type_id: "simple",
inventory: "0.0000",
sku: "TRD01-92173-85 C",
weight: "0.1500",
news_from_date: null,
news_to_date: null,
status: "1",
visibility: "4",
created_at: "2014-06-17 11:27:39",
updated_at: "2014-06-17 11:28:02",
custom_smartid: null,
custom_color: null,
custom_pantsize: null,
custom_shoesize: null,
custom_shirtsize: null,
custom_uniquesize: null,
price: 17.95
I also kmow that magento save the value of braSize in the simple product, but still don't able to catch it from the configurable product. Does anyone know how to fix it ? Thank's a lot ;)
EDIT : Yep, I rebuild all indexes, reboot server, but just use Magento to add attribute (no php or module or other) Here is the get_product.php :
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../app/Init.php';
$task = new Init(__FILE__);
try {
$client = $task->getSOAPClient();
$session = $task->getSOAPSession($client);
$productId = $_GET['productId'];
$result[0] = array('catalog_product.information', $productId);
$result[1] = array('catalog_product_attribute_media.list', $productId);
$list = $client->multiCall($session, $result);
} catch(Exception $e) {