I'm using graphql to get data to my PWA frontend project.Following is my schema.graphqls

type Query {
    comparelist: [ComparelistOutput]  @resolver(class: "NeoSolax\\CompareList\\Model\\Resolver\\ComparelistItemResolver")  @doc(description: "An array of items in the customer's compare list")

type ComparelistOutput {


class ComparelistItemResolver implements ResolverInterface
     use NeoSolax\CompareList\Helper\getCompareList;
        public function __construct(
            getCompareList $getCompareList,
        ) {
            $this->getCompareList = $getCompareList
        public function resolve(
                Field $field,
                ResolveInfo $info,
                array $value = null,
                array $args = null
            ) {
                /** @var ContextInterface $context */
                $customerId = $context->getUserId();
                $comparelistItems = $this->getCompareList->getCompareListItems($customerId)->getItems();
                $data = [];
                foreach ($comparelistItems as $comparelistItem) {
                    $itemProduct = $comparelistItem->getData();
                    $data[] = [
                        'id' => $itemProduct['product_id'],
                        'sku' => $itemProduct['sku'],
                return $data;

Following is how I get my data to pwa frontend

const {data,loading:comparelistLoading}=useQuery(getCustomerCompareList);

data gets a empty array comparelist.What is wrong with my code?Please help

  • print_r($data):die; did you get any data while printing ? Dec 9, 2020 at 5:46

2 Answers 2


Your $comparelistItems is empty. Therefore, you never perform the code inside the foreach statement, resulting in an empty $data array.

P.S.: $getCompareListis not a standard Magento class, therefore we cannot know if the problem resides inside the getCompareListItems() function you call to populate $compareListItems.


Try this

use NeoSolax\CompareList\Helper\getCompareList;

class ComparelistItemResolver implements ResolverInterface
        public function __construct(
            getCompareList $getCompareList,
        ) {
            $this->getCompareList = $getCompareList
        public function resolve(
                Field $field,
                ResolveInfo $info,
                array $value = null,
                array $args = null
            /** @var ContextInterface $context */
            $customerId = $context->getUserId();

            $comparelistItems = $this->getCompareList->getCompareListItems($customerId)->getItems();
            $data = [];
            $x = 0;
            foreach ($comparelistItems as $comparelistItem) {
                $itemProduct = $comparelistItem->getData();
                $data[$x]['id'] = $itemProduct['product_id'];
                $data[$x]['sku'] = $itemProduct['sku'];
                $data[$x]['url_key'] = $itemProduct['url_key'];
            return $data;

Reference link

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