For anyone with similar problem but not from the same extension problem, you can search for textjquery.fileupload-fp
in the magento root folder including .gitignore ignored files (with IDE or tools like ack
or ag
) and fix the file
Editing pub/static would be reset upon redeploying static. One of the problem can be found in this file vendor/magento/module-user/view/adminhtml/web/app-config.js
In older release of magento it still requires jquery.fileupload-fp
instead of jquery.fileupload
So we can edit that file vendor/magento/module-user/view/adminhtml/web/app-config.js
(or upgrade the magento version and vendor folder).
Something like:
'paths': {
'jquery/ui': 'jquery/jquery-ui-1.9.2',
'jquery/validate': 'jquery/jquery.validate',
'jquery/hover-intent': 'jquery/jquery.hoverIntent',
'jquery/file-uploader': 'jquery/fileUploader/jquery.fileupload-fp',
'prototype': 'prototype/prototype-amd',
'text': 'requirejs/text',
'domReady': 'requirejs/domReady',
'ko': 'ko/ko'
'paths': {
'jquery/ui': 'jquery/jquery-ui-1.9.2',
'jquery/validate': 'jquery/jquery.validate',
'jquery/hover-intent': 'jquery/jquery.hoverIntent',
'jquery/file-uploader': 'jquery/fileUploader/jquery.fileupload',
'prototype': 'prototype/prototype-amd',
'text': 'requirejs/text',
'domReady': 'requirejs/domReady',
'ko': 'ko/ko'
There could be other files having this bug, so use the text search I mentioned earlier