I have an admin form inside which I have added a dropdown and one grid with UI component

I want to change the grid data or need to apply filers to grid collection based on the selected value inside the dropdown

Ex. if I select option 1 then the grid will show data depending on that option and if I select option 2 then data is based on that value

how can I do this ? Your help is appreciated


2 Answers 2


Please refer to this for Filter: https://amasty.com/knowledge-base/how-to-add-a-custom-filter-to-the-product-grid-in-magento-2.html

Refer to this for dropdown: https://www.hungersoft.com/info/add-select-component-magento2-ui-component-admin-grid

Happy coding


Resolved This by myself,

Please check the below article by me for a solution


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