Currently i have a knockout template for minicart like this:

<!-- ko if: getCartParam('summary_count') -->
    <div class="items-total">
        <!-- ko if: getCartParam('summary_count') == 1 -->
            <!-- ko i18n: 'There is' --><!-- /ko -->
        <!-- /ko -->
        <!-- ko if: getCartParam('summary_count') > 1 -->
            <!-- ko i18n: 'There are' --><!-- /ko -->
        <!-- /ko -->   
        <span class="count"><!-- ko text: getCartParam('summary_count') --><!-- /ko --></span>
        <!-- ko if: getCartParam('summary_count') == 1 -->
            <!-- ko i18n: 'item' --><!-- /ko -->
        <!-- /ko -->
        <!-- ko if: getCartParam('summary_count') > 1 -->
            <!-- ko i18n: 'items' --><!-- /ko -->
        <!-- /ko -->
<!-- /ko -->

The text will generate a text like this:

There is 1 item or There are 3 items the number is the variable i get from getCartParam('summary_count') , the problem arise when i need to translate it, for example into this:

Hanya ada 1 barang
Terdapat 2 barang
Terdapat 5 barang

Using php or phtml file i can easily translate like this:

__('There is %1 item in the cart',$item->getQty())

2 Answers 2


The wording is split up, so you need multiple translations excluding the summary count:

  • There is
  • There are
  • item
  • items

An alternative is to create the string in a JS file and then you can translate it with a variable:

$.mage.__('Hello %1').replace('%1', yourVariable);

Taken from the dev docs

  • can i use that code in knockout html template ? Commented Oct 13, 2020 at 1:10
  • You can create the variable/property in Javascript and then use it in HTML templates with something like this data-bind="text: yourVariable"
    – Ben Crook
    Commented Oct 13, 2020 at 8:28

add your translation in your csv file like this,

  • "'There is %1 item in the cart',%2","'There is %1 item in the cart',%2"
  • after run the below commands
  • bin/magento s:up
  • bin/magento s:s:d -f
  • bin/magento c:f
  • How does that work when the translations do not include variables? For example <!-- ko i18n: 'There is' --><!-- /ko --> - The only text there is "There is", there is no variable.
    – Ben Crook
    Commented Oct 13, 2020 at 9:57

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