I use this code to display one attribute in frontend:

    $optionText = '';
    $attr = $_product->getResource()->getAttribute('newbrand_name');

    if ($attr->usesSource()) {
       $optionText = $attr->getSource()->getOptionText($_product->getNewbrandName());
<?php if($optionText){ ?>
    <div class="attributes-list"><?php echo "Producent: " ?><?php echo $optionText ?></div>
<?php } ?>

Working correctly.

Can anyone help me modify this code to display two additional attributes? Color and Gender from attribute code:

  • color

  • gender

1 Answer 1


You can use getAttributeText to get the value of product attribute.

    $optionText = '';
    $attr = $_product->getResource()->getAttribute('newbrand_name');

    if ($attr->usesSource()) {
       $optionText = $attr->getSource()->getOptionText($_product->getNewbrandName());
<?php if($optionText){ ?>
    <div class="attributes-list"><?php echo "Producent: " ?><?php echo $optionText ?></div>
<?php } ?>

<?php if($_product->getAttributeText('color')) : ?>
    <?php $optionValue = $_product->getAttributeText('color'); ?>
    <div class="attributes-list"><?php echo "Color: " ?><?= $optionValue; ?></div>
<?php endif; ?>

<?php if($_product->getAttributeText('gender')) : ?>
    <?php $optionValue = $_product->getAttributeText('gender'); ?>
    <div class="attributes-list"><?php echo "Gender: " ?><?= $optionValue; ?></div>
<?php endif; ?>
  • working perfect. I have the last question. Do you have any solution how to display this all attributes in one line? prnt.sc/ukw7pq
    – Sylvester
    Commented Sep 21, 2020 at 6:32
  • sorry, that's the CSS change you need to do for that. Commented Sep 21, 2020 at 8:03

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