
This is website was created in magento few years back and this magento version is also out-dated now. i have a requirement to update few pages on website. But credentials i have is not working and forget password email id is also deactivated few years ago.

Please help how to get into admin panel , so i can change front end and fix website. Thanks In Advance !


2 Answers 2


Please create a new admin account by SSH terminal by this below command

php bin/magento admin:user:create --admin-user=admin --admin-password=your-password [email protected] --admin-firstname=firstname --admin-lastname=lastname

Please put the varriable in above command as your specific like

  1. --admin-user=admin
  2. --admin-password=your-password
  3. [email protected]
  4. --admin-firstname=firstname
  5. --admin-lastname=lastname

after that you can login with the 'admin-username' and 'admin-password'.


If you have access to the server, you can execute the following SQL command to set your admin password:

UPDATE admin_user SET `password` = md5('YOUR_NEW_PASSWORD'), is_active = 1 WHERE `username` = 'YOUR_ADMIN_USERNAME';

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