Now my CSS Link are https://www.vdcprojects.xyz/otabazzar/version1596944524/frontend/Sm/topmart/en_US/css/styles-m.css

Actually CSS are in : https://www.vdcprojects.xyz/otabazzar/pub/static/frontend/Sm/topmart/en_US/css/styles-m.css

I have also have .htaccess file in pub/static folder and also give pemission 777 to all folder and file.

But css is not loading how to solve that.

3 Answers 3


All you have to do is to follow the link below and read it have all possible thing which makes CSS unload properly

Magento 2 CSS and JavaScript not loading from correct folder



Can you run following command once

php bin/magneto setup:static-content:deploy -f

and than check if mod_rewrite is enabled or not in apache

  • i run a command also chk the mod_rewrite is enable but my css is not loading Commented Aug 10, 2020 at 4:31
  • Can you check ownership of pub folder Commented Aug 10, 2020 at 9:29

Please go to database table core_config_data

Please check path field with web/unsecure/base_static_url and web/secure/base_static_url

If you get this data in this table then fill the value field with below data


Then run this below command and check

php bin/magneto setup:static-content:deploy -f

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