I am on the m2 site. In order confirmation email I am getting SKU. But I need that SKU sort by ASC. Could someone assist me with this? Thanks in advance.

I have overridden the below file in my theme to get SKU in order confirmation email. vendor/magento/module-sales/view/frontend/templates/email/items.phtml


1 Answer 1


Override the file vendor/magento/module-sales/view/frontend/templates/email/items.phtml in your theme add below code.

$_items = $_order->getAllItems(); $sortSKU = array(); foreach ($_items as $item) { $sortSKU[$item->getSku()] = $item; } ksort($sortSKU);

And Insted of
foreach ($_items as $_item) use foreach ($sortSKU as $_item)

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