I had upgraded the magento version to 2.3.5 after that swagger is not working in my setup
To debug the i click invalid button it shows
{"schemaValidationMessages":[{"level":"error","message":"Can't read from file http://My Domain/rest/all/schema?services=all"}]}
The below errors i got in the debug.log
[2020-06-30 08:50:34] main.ERROR: Unable to resolve the source file for 'frontend/Vendor/child-theme/en_US/Magento_Swagger/swagger-ui/js/swagger-ui-bundle.js.map' [] []
[2020-06-30 08:50:34] main.CRITICAL: Unable to resolve the source file for 'frontend/Vendor/child-theme/en_US/Magento_Swagger/swagger-ui/js/swagger-ui-bundle.js.map' [] []
[2020-06-30 08:50:34] main.ERROR: Unable to resolve the source file for 'frontend/Vendor/child-theme/en_US/Magento_Swagger/swagger-ui/css/swagger-ui.css.map' [] []
[2020-06-30 08:50:34] main.CRITICAL: Unable to resolve the source file for 'frontend/Vendor/child-theme/en_US/Magento_Swagger/swagger-ui/css/swagger-ui.css.map' [] []
[2020-06-30 08:50:34] main.ERROR: Unable to resolve the source file for 'frontend/Vendor/child-theme/en_US/Magento_Swagger/swagger-ui/js/swagger-ui-standalone-preset.js.map' [] []
[2020-06-30 08:50:34] main.CRITICAL: Unable to resolve the source file for 'frontend/Vendor/child-theme/en_US/Magento_Swagger/swagger-ui/js/swagger-ui-standalone-preset.js.map' [] []
I ran the below commands and tested
- bin/magento deploy:mode:set developer - (Set the store to developer mode)
- Removed the pub/static frontend and adminhtml
- php bin/magento setup:upgrade
- php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f
- php bin/magento setup:di:compile
- chmod -R 777 root_file/*
error breaking SOAP 2.3.5 so swagger tool also. Run commandphp bin/magento module:disable --clear-static-content Dotdigitalgroup_Email Dotdigitalgroup_Chat Dotdigitalgroup_Enterprise