I installed Magento 2.3 successfully, with custom style sheet and Mageplaza Blog ext which all works fine. I wanted to install a slider module and I have done this through ssh. Composer installs the module, and enables it (see below):

/usr/bin/php71 bin/magento module:enable Mageplaza_Productslider The following modules have been enabled: - Mageplaza_Productslider To make sure that the enabled modules are properly registered, run 'setup:upgrade'. Cache cleared successfully. Generated classes cleared successfully. Please run the 'setup:di:compile' command to generate classes. Info: Some modules might require static view files to be cleared. To do this, run 'module:enable' with the --clear-static-content option to clear them.

On setup:upgrade I saw this error message:

Cache cleared successfully File system cleanup: /home/sites/10a/b/bb15557fe1/public_html/generated/code/Composer /home/sites/10a/b/bb15557fe1/public_html/generated/code/Dotdigitalgroup /home/sites/10a/b/bb15557fe1/public_html/generated/code/MSP /home/sites/10a/b/bb15557fe1/public_html/generated/code/Magento /home/sites/10a/b/bb15557fe1/public_html/generated/code/Symfony /home/sites/10a/b/bb15557fe1/public_html/generated/code/Yotpo The directory '/home/sites/10a/b/bb15557fe1/public_html/generated/metadata/' doesn't exist - skipping cleanup /home/sites/10a/b/bb15557fe1/public_html/pub/static/deployed_version.txt /home/sites/10a/b/bb15557fe1/public_html/pub/static/frontend /home/sites/10a/b/bb15557fe1/public_html/var/view_preprocessed/pub Updating modules: Schema creation/updates: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1826 Duplicate FOREIGN KEY constraint name 'magento@002d31333398d2/MAGEPLAZA_BLOG_POST_AUTHOR_ID_MAGEPLAZA_BLOG_AUTHOR_USER_ID', query was: ALTER TABLE mageplaza_blog_post MODIFY COLUMN name varchar(255) NULL COMMENT "Post Name", MODIFY COLUMN image varchar(255) NULL COMMENT "Post Image", MODIFY COLUMN views int(11) NULL COMMENT "Post Views ", MODIFY COLUMN url_key varchar(255) NULL COMMENT "Post URL Key", MODIFY COLUMN meta_title varchar(255) NULL COMMENT "Meta Title", MODIFY COLUMN created_at timestamp NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT "Post Created At", MODIFY COLUMN updated_at timestamp NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT "Post Updated At", MODIFY COLUMN author_id int(10) UNSIGNED NULL COMMENT "Author ID", MODIFY COLUMN modifier_id int(10) UNSIGNED NULL COMMENT "Author ID", MODIFY COLUMN publish_date timestamp NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT "Post Updated At", ADD CONSTRAINT MAGEPLAZA_BLOG_POST_AUTHOR_ID_MAGEPLAZA_BLOG_AUTHOR_USER_ID FOREIGN KEY (author_id) REFERENCES mageplaza_blog_author (user_id) ON DELETE CASCADE

on static-content:deploy I got:

Execution time: 70.554099082947 -bash-4.1$ /usr/bin/php71 bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy en_GB -f

Deploy using quick strategy frontend/Magento/blank/en_GB 2390/2390 ============================ 100% 11 secs
adminhtml/Magento/backend/en_GB 2466/2466 ============================ 100% 12 secs
frontend/Magento/luma/en_GB 2407/2407 ============================ 100% 13 secs
frontend/Fishlock/southernsculptures/en_GB 2410/2410 ============================ 100% 12 secs

Execution time: 67.238442897797 -bash-4.1$ The following modules are outdated: -bash: The: command not found

The extensions I installed didn't appear in the back end or on my database and the error report said:

Please upgrade your database: Run "bin/magento setup:upgrade" from the Magento root directory. The following modules are outdated: Mageplaza_Productslider data: current version - none, required version - 1.1.0

I retried php bin/magento setup:upgrade php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy flushing cache and reindexing but nothing changed so disabled Mageplaza_Productslider and removed the files. I cleared all the caches, re-indexed, and deleted var cache. Then ran: static-content:deploy and the error had gone from there. So I ran setup:upgrade, but the same error as above was still apparent (this is connected to the MAGEPLAZA_BLOG module that is currently running). I then ran /usr/bin/php71 bin/magento setup:db:status and I get:

Declarative Schema is not up to date Run 'setup:upgrade' to update your DB schema and data.

How do I get rid of the ****SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1826 Duplicate FOREIGN KEY constraint name 'magento@002d31333398d2/MAGEPLAZA_BLOG_POST_AUTHOR_ID_MAGEPLAZA_BLOG_AUTHOR_USER_ID', query was: ALTER TABLE mageplaza_blog_post MODIFY COLUMN name varchar(255) NULL COMMENT "Post Name", MODIFY COLUMN image varchar(255) NULL COMMENT "Post Image", MODIFY COLUMN views int(11) NULL COMMENT "Post Views ", MODIFY COLUMN url_key varchar(255) NULL COMMENT "Post URL Key", MODIFY COLUMN meta_title varchar(255) NULL COMMENT "Meta Title", MODIFY COLUMN created_at timestamp NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT "Post Created At", MODIFY COLUMN updated_at timestamp NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT "Post Updated At", MODIFY COLUMN author_id int(10) UNSIGNED NULL COMMENT "Author ID", MODIFY COLUMN modifier_id int(10) UNSIGNED NULL COMMENT "Author ID", MODIFY COLUMN publish_date timestamp NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT "Post Updated At", ADD CONSTRAINT MAGEPLAZA_BLOG_POST_AUTHOR_ID_MAGEPLAZA_BLOG_AUTHOR_USER_ID FOREIGN KEY (author_id) REFERENCES mageplaza_blog_author (user_id) ON DELETE CASCADE**** error

and will this sort my db issue out if I do? I don't understand how the extension connected to this issue is working ok if this is the issue? I would be grateful of any insights and thankyou in advance :)

2 Answers 2


have you get solution of this question?


Did you get the solution for the same? I am also facing the same problem with Mageplaza blog extension.


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